Thursday, January 30, 2020

The thought of choosing a college Essay Example for Free

The thought of choosing a college Essay The future, begins, now! Why? Because now, the thought of choosing a college has entered the minds of students and now, students have to make a choice between some colleges. They are striving on choosing the perfect college that best fits them. The hardest part of choosing a college is making sure the students are alert to the differences between some options, which in this case are four-year college and community college. The decision between which college to attend is difficult for some students to decide, so some things they should consider are, the prices, the courses for the students decided major and lastly, the admission requirements. After taking notice of these 3 aspects, community college by far is the better college to attend. Community college is much less expensive than a four-year college because it doesn’t require travel expenses or home expenses like property taxes and mortgage interest. On average, it only requires a 15-30 minute drive to the college, which is delightful, considering the fact that students are usually closer to home and only paying for gas! According to RCBC, the cost for one year at college is approximately $2,000.00, but some other things that might have to be paid for are, general fees, technology fees, and enrollment fees. Some other fees that may have to pay for include a $25 application fee, $50 late registration fee and special course fees. Something to take notice of is the credit hours; a full-time undergraduate student must have over 12 or more credit hours per term. However many credit hours taken will determine how much the cost will be at all. So basically the things being paid for tuition, all the fees and however many credit hours that have been decided. Lastly, the costs will vary depending on whether the student is a resident, out of state student or an out of county student. Who wouldn’t want to go to a community college for less money and still get the same education as they would in a four-year college? For the students that don’t know what major fits them, then community college is the perfect college to attend for their first couple of years. When students are not certain about the major they want to study in than four-year college is not their best option for their first two years of college. If students are trying to find out what they\re most passionate in than community college is the way to go because community college gives students the chance to find out exactly what interests them (‘Choosing A College†1). Yes, it is true that community college doesn’t offer as much as a four-year college does, but students should consider how much it can actually help them. The professors at community colleges give all the students the education needed and going to a community college will also help them earn all the credits they will need for the future. By â€Å"the future† meaning that, if they want they can transfer from a community college to a four-ye ar college with having all the credits and required courses out of the way. Then for the rest of the years, the students will just focus on their decided major. But, they need to make sure the credits are transferable so that they will count it in the next college attended. In summary, going to community college for the first two years and getting all of the courses out of the way is without a doubt, the best intention for those undecided of their majors. For the students that are beginning to decide on the college they want to attend, they must meet the admission requirements. â€Å"In certain cases, some schools will offer admission to students with low college entrance scores† (â€Å"Choosing A College† 2). This means that many schools will allow the students who haven’t met the required admissions to attend but that \s only in some cases. RCBC requires a graduate that has received their high school diploma and those who had a â€Å"successful completion,† which is grades better than C’s. The undergraduate or graduate must succeed in all courses with a C or grades higher than a C average. â€Å"Achievements of an RCBC cumulative Gpa of 2.5 or greater at the time of admission† (RCBC 1).So, it is obvious that students must have a diploma and a GPA of 2.5 or greater to attend community college. All in all, in order to attend the college of the scholars choice, they must follow the admission re quirements so they are able to attend. Four-year colleges are incredibly expensive due to the prices of housing, food, and even everyday life things. Now that some students live in a dorm or an apartment they will have to buy extra for the food and all the crazy things college kids like to buy for their dorms. If they decide to go to a college in the state they live in then they’re considered a resident so, according to The College Of New Jersey, the tuitions and fees would roughly be.. $16,000.00, but that’s not all. The total cost for one year is relatively close to $29,000.00. If they’re not a resident than the tuition and fees would be close to $27,000.00, and for a whole year it is around $40,000.000. â€Å"State and local governments subsidize(financially support) public schools, allowing lower tuition costs† (â€Å"Choosing A College† 1). A few of the fees that are required to pay for would be, student Service fee, capital fee, Computing Access fee, Student Center fee and Student Activity fee. In all, going to a four-year college is clearly more expensive than going to a community college. For those that already know what they want to major in, then for them, four-year college is the better college to attend. Four-year colleges offer a wider range of majors to study and offers a bigger variety of degrees to receive. But, before they choose any college they must determine whether or not the college of their choice offers the programs needed for them to succeed in their major. â€Å"Two of the most important decisions faced by students contemplating postsecondary education is where to attend college and what major to choose â€Å"(Eric R. Eide, Michael J. Hilmer and Mark H. Showalter 1). Clearly, one of the biggest parts of attending any college is being able to choose the major that fits them now, in 5 years, 10 years, and so on. To conclude, this one big decision they make will dramatically change their future, and it will hopefully be for the best. â€Å"The key point is finding out what path will be most beneficial to you†(â€Å"Choosing A College† 2) . When attending to a four-year college student must acknowledge the fact that four-year colleges are definitely harder to get accepted into.â€Å"If the student\s SAT score is 900 and the school\s average is 1300, then the student should think twice about their college of choice† (â€Å"Choosing a College† 2). It is obvious that to get into a college you need the required school average in order to attend. The thing about enrolling in a four-year college is whether or not you enroll as a matriculated student or a non-matriculated student. A matriculated student is a student that registers to a certain school as a student and a non-matriculated student is a student that only goes to school for a short amount of time, so they only attend classes part-time and they can only register to take 12 or fewer credit hours. According to TCNJ, â€Å"Individuals applying for matriculation are expected to hold a bachelor\s degree for proof of equivalent preparation to a foreign colle ge or university† (â€Å"Graduate Studies† 2). This basically means that students who are applying to be a student at their college of choice should have their required degrees in order to go elsewhere. In all, the admission requirements to get into a four-year college can be very complicated depending on where the student decides to go and how the student enrolls themselves.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Muckrakers Essay -- essays research papers fc

Muckraking was a powerful journalistic force, whose supporters made it become so. Muckraking was the practice of writers and critics exposing corrupt politicians and business practices. President Theodore Roosevelt made the term "muck-raker" popular. He once said The man with the muck-rake, the man who could look no way but downward with the muck-rake in his hands; who was offered a celestial crown for his muckrake, but who would neither look up nor regard the crown he was offered, but continued to rake himself the filth of the floor. Some, like Roosevelt viewed methods of muckrakers such as Ida Tarbell, Ray S. Baker, Lincoln Steffens, and Upton Sinclair as these types of people. Others saw these muckraking methods as perfectly acceptable for fighting against the industrial powerhouses. Either way, these muckrakers worked hard to arouse sentiment in the hearts of the public (Reiger 1). Muckraking actually began long before the years of 1900-1902, when the muckraking movement is credited to have begun. Jesus was probably the first muckraker. Years later, Martin Luther exposed the corruptness of the Catholic Church. Also, early Abolitionist works--Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin and Helper's The Impending Crisis used muckraking to get a point across. However, events during the 1890s most directly paved the way for the critiques and exposures of existing conditions. This period was able to reach a limited upper class and the muckrakers were able to expand appeal to the average middle class citizen (Reiger 49-50). One reason for the outspread of muckraking was the explosion of journalism. From 1870-1909 the number of daily newspapers circulated boomed from 574 to 2,600 and the number of subscribers from 2,800,000 to 24,800,000. With this increase, newspaper owners and editors needed new bait to reel in its subscribers. The newspaper editors wanted to replace ordinary town gossip with gossip about the latest events of the city. Therefore, in newspapers they placed the most shocking events and kept the rural mind drooling for more. As newspaper circulation grew, the large newspaper depended much less on political parties and could now even challenge them. Newspapers played on the new human interest, the concern of the wealthy with the affairs of those below them, status-wise. This "story of the poor" became the basic outline for muckraking (Ho... success. However, indirectly, it was one of the most powerful journalistic movements of our history. The total circulation of the ten muckraking magazines reached over three million. Also, Upton Siclair's novels The Brass Check and The Jungle went over the hundred thousand mark by 1932. A new political movement of reformed capitalism was undergone as the muckraking era pounded out its grievances. Most importantly though, people, partly because of the information which muckrakers revealed, partly because of the visions of better things which reformers brought forth, and partly because of horrid personal experiences, began to regard big business as an enemy rather than a friend (Reiger 194-196). Works Cited Hofstadter, Richard. The Age of Reform. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1972. Josephson, Matthew. The Robber Barons. San Diego: Harcourt Brace & Company, 1962. Reiger, C. C. The Era of the Muckrakers. Massachusetts: Peter Smith, 1957. Sinclair, Upton. "The Consequences of Land Speculation are Tenantry and Debt on the Farms, and Slums and Luxury in the Cities." Upton Sinclair. 1924. <> (17 Dec. 1999)

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Corporate governance Essay

Other studies have attempted to isolate the impact of separate social factors on financial performance. For instance, Derwall, Gunster, Bauer, & Koedjik, K. (2003) have included the innovest eco-efficiency scores of US companies, and have looked at the environmental factor. After controlling the risk and investment style, they concluded that the high-ranked portfolio outperforms the low-ranked portfolio. The results become significant when adjusted for industry effects. Becker & Huselid (1998) have concentrated on the relationship between human resources management and firm performance. An analysis of over 500 multi-industry US companies present that a high performance HRM system has an economically and statistically positive effect on organizational performance. Gompers, Ishi, & Metrick, A. (2003) have emphasized the corporate governance aspect. They have drafted a governance index using 24 governance rules on 1,500 large US firms. An investment strategy that purchased shares of well-governed firms and sold shares in badly-governed firms earned an abnormal return during the 1990s. The research has applied style-adjustments. Bauer, Gunster, & Otten (2003) have analyzed the effect of corporate governance on stock returns and firm value. They have utilized the Deminor Corporate Governance ratings to build a portfolio of organizations with bad corporate governance. They find positive results for style-adjusted returns, with weaker positive results after adjustment for country differences. In summary, majority of the studies have presented an out-performance for SRI portfolios compares with more traditional investment approaches, even if such differences do not always present as statistically significant. When particular dimensions of sustainability are investigated, more significant and positive results are brought forth, suggesting that some facets of corporate social responsibility may also contribute shareholder value. Hypothesis This research will look into the efficiency of the internet, especially the corporate websites in transmitting messages with regard to one’s corporate social responsibility. In the same way, it would determine the role of corporate responsibility in increasing profits and revenues of a certain organization. It would look at how US companies incorporate their corporate social responsibility into their websites and how they link the most present and relevant issues into the general characteristics of the company (corporate profile) and of their products and services. In the same manner, this study aims to look at how these issues have been presented in their websites. Are they using the descriptive or informative approach and are they more commercial in perspective instead of allowing an ethical valuation or an appraisal of the company’s compromises in its production. This would also look into the issue of corporate governance. This research shall be qualitative in nature. According to Fay (1996), qualitative researchers attempt to accurately describe, decode and interpret the precise meanings of a certain phenomenon to a person or group of people. The research will also be based on the interpretative paradigm. According to Saunders et al. (2003) interpretive research is a broader term than qualitative research and it encompasses all other approaches based on participant observation such as ethnographic, qualitative, phenomenological, constructivist, and case studies. Second, interpretive research does not carry with it the false connotation of excluding the use of quantitative measures. The focus lies at the different constructions and meanings people place upon their own experiences and the reasons for those differences. The researcher shall use three tests focused in one group. These shall include surveys, focus group discussions and interviews that are essential in gaining necessary data. The focus group discussion of qualitative analysis was utilized, offering the proponent the opportunity to follow up and clarify certain facets of the research to the researchers and to the peers of the research group. It also permitted the members of the focus group to express his/her feelings, opinions and concerns. Following this, the focus group discussions created were documented and thematically analyzed. In order to effectively evaluate the research hypothesis and meet the objectives of the study, this study will employ two qualitative research methods – the focus group discussion and interview method of research. Qualitative research in itself makes for an in-depth evaluation and analysis of human dynamics and the kind of reasons that motivate such behaviour and the reasons that revolve around such behaviour to spur out in the first place. As compared to quantitative research, the qualitative method of analysis relies on the fundamental reasons behind the reactions of people when external factors are applied to a given situation. Simply put, it investigates the why and how of decision making, relative to what is being identified by the quantitative method of analysis – what, where, and when (Denzin & Lincoln 2000). For this reason, qualitative research only requires a relatively small group as compared to the relatively large yet most of if not all of the time are random samples. Qualitative research also identifies and sorts data into relevant and helpful patterns as the foundation for organization and the basis for reporting the kind of results for data.

Monday, January 6, 2020

United States Population Through History

The first decennial census in the United States in 1790 showed a population of just under four million people. In 2019, the U.S. population is at more than 330 million. Even though in 2008, there was an almost one percent increase in the birth rate compared to the years before it, it was seen as a post-recession baby boom.  In 2019, the United States had only a 0.6 percent increase in population. According to the Census, The combination of births, deaths, and net international migration increases the U.S. population by one person every 18 seconds.  While that figure may sound high, the U.S. population  is actually growing at a slower rate than many other nations. U.S. Fertility Rate The United States runs below replacement level (2.1 births per woman)  in fertility  rate, with an estimated 1.85 as of 2019. Some of the drop  in fertility rate was due to a decrease in teen births between 2010 and 2019 and a drop in unintended pregnancies.   The lower birthrate actually signifies that, in the United States, women have increasingly more and more opportunities, unlike in countries with a high fertility rate. Women who put off motherhood have fewer children but, generally, have them on better economic footing.   A low birthrate is also a sign of an established economy. The U.S. rate is actually high among the richest nations in the world, which are all instead grappling with an overall aging population. Aging Population A lower birthrate and an increasing life expectancy contribute to the fact that the overall U.S. population is aging. One problem  associated with an increasingly aging population includes fewer people in the workforce. Countries that have an older population and are not having a net immigration will see population declines. This has the potential to put a strain on social services and health care, as there are fewer people to pay taxes to support government programs for the elderly. There are also fewer caregivers for them. Immigration Population Rise Fortunately, the United States attracts a large number of immigrants who come here to work. Also, people who come here searching for a better life do so at an age when they typically have young children, thus keeping the countrys population growing. Immigrants fill in the gaps in the workforce created by the aging population and the drop in fertility rate. But its not a new trend. Since 1965 the population increase of the United States has been due to immigrants and their descendants, with that trend expected to continue for the next 50 years, Pew Research reported. Immigrants accounted for about 14 percent of the total U.S. population in 2015.  Ã‚   U.S. Census Figures Here you will find a list of the U.S. population every 10 years from the first official census in 1790 to the most recent in 2010, including a recent population estimate. The population is expected to hit 355 million by 2030, 373 million by 2040, and 388 million by 2050.  Ã‚   The numbers from before 1790 are only estimates and come from Colonial and Pre-Federal Statistics. This document makes a point of counting the white and black populations both separately and jointly. Also, up until 1860, census numbers did not include Native Americans. 1610: 3501620: 2,3021630: 4,6461640: 26,6341650: 50,3681660: 75,0581670: 111,9351680: 151,5071690: 210,3721700: 250,8881710: 331,7111720: 466,1851730: 629,4451740: 905,5631750: 1,170,7601760: 1,593,6251770: 2,148,0761780: 2,780, 3691790: 3,929,2141800: 5,308,4831810: 7,239,8811820: 9,638,4531830: 12,866,0201840: 17,069,4531850: 23,191,8761860: 31,443,3211870: 38,558,3711880: 50,189,2091890: 62,979,7661900: 76,212,1681910: 92,228,4961920: 106,021,5371930: 123,202,6241940: 132,164,5691950: 151,325,7981960: 179,323,1751970: 203,302,0311980: 226,542,1991990: 248,709,8732000: 281,421,9062010: 307,745,5382017: 323,148,586 Sources â€Å"U.S. and World Population Clock.†Ã‚  Population Clock, United States Census Bureau, 2019.â€Å"Colonial and Pre-Federal Statistics.†Ã‚  Documents, United States Census Bureau, p. 1168, 2004.â€Å"United States Population (LIVE).†Ã‚  Worldometers, 2019.â€Å"Modern Immigration Wave Brings 59 Million to U.S.†Ã‚  Pew Research Centers Hispanic Trends Project, Pew Research Center, 18 June 2018.